Control (11/11)
1. forever
- Repeat the script inside over and over again. It would stop repeating when "quit loop" block is triggered, and run the script below.
2. repeat (20) times
- Repeat the script inside specified number of times. Run the script below after the repetition has completed.
3. repeat until <condition>
- Repeat the script inside until the embedded condition is true. Then run the following script.
4. quit loop
- Stop last loop, and run the following script.
5. if <condition>
- If the embedded condition is true, run the script inside; otherwise skip the block.
6. if <condition> else
- If the embedded condition is true, run the script inside "if"; if not, run the script inside "else".
- Click "+" to add one more "if <condition> else".
- If the first embedded condition is true, run the script inside "if"; if the second embedded condition is true, run the script inside "else if"; otherwise run the script inside "else".
7. wait (1) secs
- Wait certain seconds and then run the script below. This block is used to make a pause.
8. wait until <condition>
- Wait until the embedded condition is true. Then run the script below.
9. tell [Codemao] to do
- Make "selected sprite" act as the script below shows.
- Please note: this block can achieve the same effect of broadcast. However, it is only available for sprite, not for background.
10. wait for [Codemao] to do
Make "selected sprite" act as the script below shows (sprite only), and run the following script after the sprite finished its action.
The difference between "tell [sprite] to do" and "wait for [sprite] to do":
Script inside and below "tell [sprite] to do" block is not run in order; but script inside "wait for [sprite] to do" will be run first, and after it is finished, run the following script.
11. reproduce [Codemao] to X (300) Y (200)
Reproduce a duplicate of specified sprite to certain position, which is exactly the same as the original one (including scripts).
Duplicate will inherit all blocks of the origin sprite. In other words, what origin sprite does, duplicate does.
For example: see picture below